Michael Gaudreau

Staples Team Supervisor/Software Engineering Graduate of @flatiron-school

Hartford, CT


Hide Learn.co's Sidebar with a Bookmarklet

Published Oct 22, 2019

NOTE I only tested this on Chromium so it should work on Chrome as well and I’m reasonably certain it will work on Firefox. The only browser that may not work is Internet Explorer but let’s be honest, IE is a dumpster fire and encourage you to uninstall immediately and choose one of the browsers mentioned above.

Hide the sidebar

This is the code to hide the sidebar, it also moves the friends widget over as well.

javascript:(function(){$("section.site-sidebar")[0].style.display="none"; document.getElementById('js--region-main').style.right=0; $("section.site-widget")[0].style.right=0;})();

Show the hidden sidebar again

To make the sidebar visible again you make another Bookmarklet with this code.

javascript:(function(){$("section.site-sidebar")[0].style.display=""; document.getElementById('js--region-main').style.right="236px"; $("section.site-widget")[0].style.right="263px";})();

Add via Drag and Drop

To install the bookmarklet via drag and drop then you can follow these steps.

  1. Make sure your browser displays the bookmark bar - For Google Chrome or Chromium browsers:
    • press CRTL-Shift-B. The bookmarks bar should appear or disappear immediately;
    • You could also click the options icon on your top right, Firefox Menu Button and mouse over to the sixth option ‘Bookmarks’. If you find a checkmark there, you’re all set.
      • For Firefox, Internet Explorer and Pale Moon users, there is no shortcut available. You can still right-click the certificate in the address bar, to toggle the bookmarks bar.
      • In Safari you can toggle the Favorites Bar under View > Hide Favorites Bar or by pressing ⇧⌘B.
  2. After your bookmarks are visible just drag and drop these links to your bookmarks - Hide - Show

And that’s it! Just goto any learn page that has the sidebar and then click the Hide bookmark to hide it and the Show bookmark to return to normal. Also you can rename them whatever you like, it doesn’t have to be what I choose.

I actually added a folder and Named it Flatiron and moved both Show and Hide bookmarklets under that so it works like this.

Example of how I set up the bookmarklets